
Hao Zhang 张昊 (Born 1992 ) is a Shanghai-based net artist who uses web technologies to craft innovative front-end experience in the age of post-internet. His art work takes a form of the media installation where he combines video documentation, behaviors and other medium together. Working with physical and digitalmedia, his work opens up questions arising from the screen-based culture, exploring the mutual impact between human and networked technologies.

Recently, his projects dealt with Anthropocene, digital humanity, cybernetics and the Internet.In 2021, he participated in NoName Studio Residency program in Shanghai. In 2017, his work was exhibited at Ars electronica: Different AI.

Hao 是⼀名⽹络艺术家,以⽹络技术,前端互动为主要艺术实践⼿段,并融影像记录、⾏为等多种艺术形式,将数字科技与艺术融合。他的作品中会出现运动器材。Hao的作品关注于新/互联科技与个⼈⾃主的双向关系,以东⽅的⽣活哲学为根基,探讨普适计算时代的社会伦理,幽默的回复因不断数字化⽽产⽣的⼈⽂景观与算法意识形态。

最近,Hao的作品主题涉及⼈类世,数字⼈性,⼈类⾃主性与控制论等。2021年朱家⻆NoNameStudio驻地艺术家,2017年他参加了Ars Electronica: Different AI的群展。