Car Hallucination


Photography + Projection




When everyone’s car is autonomous and regulated for safety purpose, what’s the fun of driving a car?

Can an autonomous vehicle be trained to dream––or more technically, to hallucinate and then simulate––a more thrilling, less uniform, transit experience for the benefit of its occupants?



1. A seemless and slow future for an extreme safety.

Car Hallucination images new roles for how training a car could facilitate a shared hallucination with its occupants, one where the car fantasizes that it is driving very fast––a different mindset from its 30mph reality.

The motion graphic below presents this dysopian traffic condition on highway.


Speculative training process.

Training a car to dream comprises a series of machine learning apparatuses for training the neural nets of autonomous vehicles. The project imbues cars with the ability to dream on their own, reinterpreting what the term “dream car” is and means.

The image below communicates how a driver could train his car in the offroad environment.

2. Speculative car dream 

The video below communicates how a car might dream for itself on California highway to learn drafting skills from the perspective of a car.


I projected speculative car’s dream on the black and white background image, which communicates outdoor training process , to create a second reading: train your car to dream to keep its characteristics.

Car Hallucination is designed to hold an open conversation for general audience about autonomous car technology.